Instead of our regular Sunday services, we will serve our city. Serve Day's vision is for us, the local church, to go into our communities and love our neighbors. We hope that through practical projects and acts of service, people's hearts will be opened to the love of Jesus.

Join us at the Serve Day rally as we gather, pray, and head out to our projects.

Date: Sunday, September 8, 2024

Time: 8a-12p

Rally Location: Helotes Fairgrounds

12210 Leslie Rd, Helotes, TX 78023


Project Ideas

We believe that people matter to God!

In order to empower our whole church, we have put together some creative yet simple ways to serve our community.

Gather ideas from the list below, gather a team, and GO and DO! Capture the moment on social media and tag us @risechurchtx so we can all celebrate the impact for the Kingdom we're making together.

  • • Bring lunches to construction workers or servicemen in your area
    • Clean the yard for a widow or single parent
    • Help with yard cleanup or minor repairs for those who are physically or financially unable to do it themselves
    • Help with minor car repairs for the elderly, widows, or single parents
    • Collect toys and games for kids in a local neighborhood
    • Build a wheelchair ramp for a family
    • Go on a Prayer Walk
    • Ask a grocery store worker how you can pray for them.
    • Spend some time calling or video chatting with loved ones near and far
    • Pick up trash in a public park, street or parking lot
    • Give away groceries door-to-door
    • Have a “Free Grass Cutting” day for a neighborhood
    • Offer free bike repairs
    • Bring lunch to your local police or fire station
    • Pay for someone's groceries

  • • Deliver fresh flowers and cards to residents
    • Bring meals for the staff
    • Gather and deliver new socks with rubber footings for residents
    • Landscape a flower garden and sitting area on the property
    • Let kids make cards or crafts that can be given to residents
    • Sing songs outside the nursing home to bring cheer to those inside

  • • Donate coffee, energy drinks, lunches or snacks to staff
    • Pray and worship from a distance for a hospital
    • Deliver gifts and care packages to patients and families in the children’s wing or NICU
    • Provide healthy snacks to chemotherapy patients
    • Create and deliver signs and posters for the hospital staff

  • • Local schools are a great place for multiple small or large teams to serve. Talk to the school’s leadership to find out their practical needs.
    Here are a few ideas:
    Plant a garden, wash a courtyard, repaint playground equipment, mulch a garden
    - Build seating or benches, straighten decking, replace steps
    - Package teacher appreciation gifts



  • Serve Day this year is taking the place of church services. Let’s be the church on Sunday, September 8!

  • Yes! We encourage children to serve with their parents. Review the registration and select a project that allows children.

  • Helotes Fairgrounds

    12210 Leslie Rd, Helotes, TX 78023

  • Check-in begins at 7:30a and Serve Day rally starts at 8a.

  • Contact your project lead as some projects require the usage of personal tools.

  • Come in athletic attire and wear your serve day shirt. All projects require closed-toe shoes. Contact your Project Lead for specific attire details.

  • Pick up your serve day shirt at the Sunday Outreach booth starting Sunday, August 18.

  • Due to some projects, serving time will vary. Contact your Project Lead for project times.

  • Contact us by emailing or by calling 210-310-3057.


We would love to hear your stories of life change and impact from Serve Day! Follow the link below to share an impactful moment from your Serve Day project.